Thursday 30 May 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t


Hi all the readers,

Maturity?Now or later,everyone or whoever will be faced it.Right?Am I will be matured?Yes,because I'm nearly 19 years old.Hahahaha!Late or early,it sure will come.Maturity actually not a disease.Its a normal thing.As a teenager,we may think that we are mature enough and do not need any advice from our parent or older people.Its totally wrong.So please stabilize your attention while they are advising you because its better than nothing.

When I'm googling,I found this one.Maturity is the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed.Actually when we talk about maturity,its bring a lots of meaning.As what in my mind,maturity is a level which our selves trying to do something like an adult.Actually when we already reach that point of maturity.We will learn about CONSIDERATION in life.

As the example,I'm trying to be matured.Oh no,I'm learning how to be matured.Lately,a bit of feel of regret suddenly came into my mind and touch my soul.Hahahha!It sound like abnormal thinking.Before I was too pampered.Just let the thing handled by maid.Let my sister and brother and others thing that I was too lazy and can not handle my own life.When I reach my hostel,everything was changed.I changed it.As an ordinary teenager,as usual I need some space to refresh my mind and my energy.When I'm thinking again,again and again.There's not impossible to make my self more responsible and matured.I just need to face the truth that I need to change.

Today,before I leave this "HOME SWEET HOME".I promise just know that I need to rush.I clean my room and tidy up all the things.Especially my antique wardrobe.Its should me clean up before I go.Guess what?I tidy it myself.Before,I never trying to cook because I think it took all my time.As soon after I came from Labuan,I think I should know how to cook.I need to know baking a cake.Even the simple one.Since today is my last day without do any homework,blogging more often and watching TV without stand up and blinking and whatever to do,I need to refresh my mind.Thinking about BIOLOGY,CHEMISTRY,MATHEMATICS,and of course the newest subject for me.MUET and SAINS COMPUTER.Could I stay cool and pursue my study smoothly?Sure because everything come from myself.Pray for me.

What I got from the word of MATURITY?
I need to be more strong.I need to handle my problem in a proper way without make my self trap in a frustrated way.Need to be humble.HAHAAHAH!...What I learn is,I need to be more independent if I want to be matured.Its a cycle of life.Everyone will be matured.One more thing,maturity does not refer to our age.Sometimes you will be shocked if you meet somebody that younger than you think like your father,mother or someone that you think is MATURED!As the simple example,when you involved in love in a young age.You will got sooo many experience that will make your more rational in thinking and smart when choosing your future couple of life.Its only an example.You don't need to get a boyfriend only to say that you are matured.Its only a certain way to explain.

alright.Sometimes you must play it by your ears.Hahahahahaha!


Tuesday 28 May 2013

When I was in KML..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
cik2 dan encik2 sekalian,seperti yang aku dah janjikan ,aku nak cerita pasal orientasi aku selama seminggu di tempat orang.Di Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan.Seperti yang uools tau,Labuan adalah wilayah persekutuan kan.Samalah juga macam Putrajaya dan Kuala Lumpur.Salah satu trademark Labuan ini adalah coklat.Itu salah satulah,yg lain tu pndai2lah cik kak n abg cari ek.Bukan sebab rasa coklat dia sedap tapi harga coklatnya yang lebih murah berbanding kat tempat korang.Haah!kepada sesiapa penggemar coklat,silalah datang.hahahahaah!!

Nak dijadikan cerita,KML merupakan sebuah kolej yang melibatkan dua jenis jurusan,iaitu sains dan perakaunan.Sains ada dua program,Program Satu Tahun(PST) dan Program Dua Tahun(PDT).Aku PDT.
First time aku ngan family sampai di terminal a.k.a pelabuhan.Fuh!!Serius beb,sesak gila.Aku pun yang first time nengok nerves tahap ntah apa2.Then,yang bagusnya pihak KML sediakan bas besar untuk angkut kitaorang p sana.Its totally smoothing our way.Jimat duit.hahahah!!

Cuaca?semestinya panas.Nasib DM ada aircond. DM is stand for Dewan Mutiara.
aku and other mesti daftar sendiri,tak boleh bawa family.Macam sesi independent la ni kut.HAHAHAH!!
Part yang paling buat aku rasa macam nak mampos adalah part mencari blok kediaman.Sesat lagi!
Blok aku blok A a.k.a Karisma A.Dekat dengan dewan kuliah la konon tapi sangat jauh dari surau.Tapi ikhlaskan hati untuk berjalan kaki ke surau.Kan pahala banyak kalau berjalan kaki.Insha Allah..
Wait!Its not over yet.Pendaftaran masih belum selesai.Sesi bergambar dan mengangkut bagasi ke bilik.Penat?of coz la uools..sesi bergambar sekejap sahaja,15 saat macam tu.Ehh,aku dapat ni---)

sengaja bagi macam ni..hahah

Next,aku dapat bilik tingkat 4.Level paling tinggi tu.Mak aii..Penat nak naik tangga.Nasib kunci dibekalkan.

nama ni memang aku suka

Nak dijadikan cerita,roomate aku orang Tawau.Rafiza Syahzira namanya.Aku panggil Zira .Peramah jugalah.Muka dia seiras dengan kawan aku masa sekolah menengah dulu.Kawan yang aku selalu gelar "angry bird merah" ..
Inilah keadaan time orientasi,sampai buka kasut.

Haah,jangan nak tidur pulak.Orientasi is starting.kita orang kena ikut blok masing2.Fuh!!compress habis.
Tapi senior a.k.a fasi memang AWESOME la beb.
Sebenarnya kalau aku nak cerita sampai habis pun susah.Tapi memang orientasi selama seminggu di KML ni memang seronok sebab dia ajar kita orang untuk lebih berdikari terutamanya untuk orang yang tak pernah tinggal asrama macam aku ni.Haah!!Terserlah kejakunan kita kat situ uools.

Oklah,seminggu orientasi dah habis so kita orang dapat cuti seminggu.So what?guess?balik Sabah laa..
First time urus tiket untuk balik.Kelam kabut la sikit.Biasalah..Tapi lama2 weolls akan ok.

kau ingat aku tak pandai berdikari ke??

 Ha!!kita orang naik speedboat laa..orang takut kita orang ketawa habis.
Kita orang balik bercuti just berbag galas..comel tak beg aku?

tapi orang ni berbag-bag,bagasi pulak tu.

 sorry ek..hahahah

Tangan aku pun mau jam sudah.k,hope enjoy this entry.