Thursday, 15 August 2013

I'd Lie

..Peace be Upon ..

I'd Lie
Because I'm a human being.
Created by Our Creator.

I  lied to my self because I wanted all my beloved people to be happy.Happy as they were together with me.They did know how I felt when they were yelling at me.I felt like nut.Crashed and thrown into smelly dustbin.How I willing to smile and lied to my self.My own feeling.I never care actually how much I got hurted.I would never care.I would never care even I got ignored.Because I was strong.I stood on my own way.I never asked anything even thought I needed it so much.Much than what people thought.

I lied to my self that I never angry to my best friend.I got once.I really angry.The feeling made I felt I was bad.I was an ordinary person.I wasn't an angel.No,please think!.

This entry absolutely told about what I felt.I learnt to ask apology.Being a good person.

Can you imagine being ignored only because your past?
When you did something wrong at the past and your friend judged it now.
If life was like a movie,I would repeat it and changed it storyboard.

I lied too when I said I never love someone.I lied when I said I never let my friend raise her happiness than mine.I lied when I said I never thrown big value of money for them.

Now I being my self.Which the bad or good side is the real me.
I didn't have to pretend I agree with them everytime.
I knew they did not think how I was thinking.
Even they knew me since in primary school,they still almost or even hate me when I did something wrong.
Why all of you chose that way than chose the way to advise me?

I still kept remember how you who never talked to me,judged me throught the phone.Sent something that really made I felt down.

But dont worry.
I still have the sacred heart.
You were listed in my pray everyday.All of you.

That's how the feeling when you kept it .

Appreciate people is a good way to make your self happy.
Dont show off if you still a human.
Everyone did mistake as i am..
But I still loves them as before..

Have a sweet dream..

Seorang Sahabat Part 1

Assalamualaikum andaa semua..

Setelah beberapa hari tak post entri aku rasa pelik sebab idea aku macam dah limited edition pulok.
Apa khabar blogger-2 n visitor-2 yang ciut miut?Eh,anda yang tengah baca entri I ni le.
Ok.Mulai hari ni Iools akan merajinkan diri untuk mengePOSkan entri walaupun entri tu ayat dia ciput gile.Improvement yang bagus kan?Baru-baru ni Iools exam.Tiga hari exam dirasakan seperti tiga minggu.Proses perah-memerah otaklah dikatakan padahal aku sempat lagi main game Super Mario..Hahahaha!!.Itulah aku,orang stress aku buat bodoh je padahal dalam hati aku ni,Masya Allah,time jawab exam pun aku berdebar-debar macam kena kejar dek anjing.

Aku nak share sikit dengan korang pasal seorang sahabat aku ni.Eventhough aku dengan dia jarang jumpa tapi weools selalu contact-contact juga.Alaa korang ni,kite dengan sahabat kite tu selalu Wechat laa.Kan sekarang Wechat la segalanya.Harhar.Menyampah aku nengok entri aku ni.Ok laa sebelum aku naik lemak,baik aku teruskan .


Aku kenal dia since kita orang form 4 lagi.Kami sama-sama student baru tapi dia dulu baru akulaa.Kami dalam kelas yang sama.Aku sebenarnya tak pernah berniat pun nak pindah sekolah tu tapi memandangkan sekolah tu je yang ada aliran sains so apalagi..masuk je laa.Aku dengan dia tidaklah serapat dia dengan sahabat kami yang seorang tu (MF) bukan nama sebenar.Kami jarang bercerita sebab rasa kekok sebab aku rasa topik perbualan semuanya tidak sesuai.

Nak tau tak?
Sekarang dialah sahabat yang selalu kacau-kacau aku setiap hari..Hahaha..gurau je..Kawan-kawan yang aku anggap sahabat dunia akhirat sebelum ni tak pun mesej aku.Tamat je SPM semua blah macam tu je.They were like bubble in the ocean.Hahaha.Aku pun tak tau di mana silap aku .Mungkin aku bukanlah kawan yang boleh kamcing dengan dorang macam dulu.But,aku tetap tunggu dorang sapa aku dan akan ingat macam mana aku ingat dengan dorang.Raya aku hambar sebenarnya.Hanya tiga hari beraya bersama family yang selalu buat aku tak kering gusi.Sahabat aku bernama DNF.Tu bukan nama alien atau ahli Girl Generation yang terbaru tau.Tu singkatan nama dia laa.

Since I've observed her..
I learnt to be more and more independent and searched for my own identity.The identity that lost because I hate myself.One of my friend ever said that I did not have my own identity.At the first time,I was down.Down like the dead grass.Then,I tried to dig my own feeling,my real attitude,what is my real life is.I found my self.I can feel the freedom of my self.Free from the confused feeling.
Actually she taught me to be kind to animals.She was so caring actually.It can be seen when she saw a cat.Any cat.Even the ugliest cat.She still look to that cat with her adorable eyes.Mata "amoi" aa..I'll never forget her word when she saw a cat.Chichimita!!.I almost laugh because her voice just like a small kid who trying to speak.

Aku sangat beruntung sebenarnya sebab kenal budak bermata "amoi" ni.Banyak sebenarnya aku nak share pasal dia tapi tunggu Part 2 naa.Panjang benar sudah.Entri ini bukan la seperti DNA yang berbentuk helical yang boleh bergulung-gulung so jumpa di Part 2.