Thursday, 31 January 2013

Meow,Eklimah & Noura

..Assalamualaikum dan holla semua

Let me introduce my beloved cat to all of u..

"Cuba teka siapa saya?"

buat muka comel lagi tu..

"malasnya mau bangun"

This is my cat.Very superb lazy one.Sleeping beauty using that red blanket
Ni kalau mak nampak,mesti kena marah..(Ketawa)

Ok,ok,ok..Tu baru intro,serius sikitlah.

"meow" lah antara yang aku paling rindu semenjak aku bekerja ni.(Rindu mau buli sebenarnya..)
Kucing ni sebenarnya kacukan antara kucing siam dan kucing biasa.Rupa kucing ni lebih kepada kucing siam lah tapi pemalas giloss...
Next time lah aku cerita perjalanan hidup aku dengan ni kucing..hahaha..Sure satu muka surat pun tak cukup uools..

Orait,mesti korang nak tahu kenapa post hari ni bertajuk "meow,eklimah & noura" .kan?
Teruskan dengan NOURA dulu, (typing like the tortoise)


Lets start talk about this amazing name.Actually my friend gave it to me.First time I heard she called me using this name,I felt something amazed with this name.But I thought that there was no offence to accept this name as a part of my life.Now,I really falling in love with this name.The awesome thing that the meaning of this name is "LIGHT".
I really want to say "THANK YOU SO MUCH" to her.


This name actually not totally mine.Its the combination  between my name with him.Its so funny to think about this combination that may be splitted any time because the basic of this name is not strong enough.
"Ek" is stolen from his name.Its not a polite way to use this name without the owner of the name permission.
I felt surprised when my friend screamed out this name suddenly in front of him..ohmaigod ohmaigod..I made a silly face then.
That was the situation when in front your crush.How lucky am I because I was not infected by "LOVE VIRUS".No feeling of frustration when my messages do not be replied.

Stop here..

Orait,after became an ex-student for these few months,I felt so silly plus Eager to make a homework,making a note,listen to all teachers voice.Became an ex-student is totally the most terrifying.

P/S:I really want to saw a few of book on my table.Surfing internet to find any information.



*****saya suka saya suka*****

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

HANG OUT with my BESTIE....

..aSSalamualaikum and holla everybody..
Here we go..

Lets begin with the new story about my holiday for three days . .
PLACE:my village-kg.Bengkongan at Kota Marudu.

Guess how I felt?awesome for sure.Actually my holiday was not arranged nicely because I took three days off because my textbook need to be sent as soon as before the SPM result come out.Its really awkward when my friend(MIMI FARHANAH) and I stepped into the school without using school uniform.The guards just looked like the castle guards door,sat near the gate with the big eyes stared at us..
Finally I met my ex-account teacher.How I miss that happy-go-lucky teacher.

A'ha!Here we go!..After finished about the textbooks,we went to the "red house"."THE RED HOUSE" actually KFC(Kentucky Fried Chicken).Thats only the best place to "LEPAKING" with my bestie.Looks how I felt so excited to snap this picture.(Troll)

..Hahaha..who was the owner of the chicken bone..

Lets looked to this picture..

xcited ka apa ni....

mimi said"pecah ka botol ni kalau aku ketuk d kepala Mas?"

"comey tak gambar aku?"(haha..tipu saja)

Look at the way they were posed when I was ready to snap their picture.Look at the first picture  of them.Funny right.Actually Mimi was "malu -malu kucing".Thats why she covered her face using the KFC brochure.

Then the 3rd picture .Mas was showed something to Mimi.EXTREME post..(laughing)..covered their face using palm and handkerchief.Smart idea to use in model audition."dont be angry friends"..I already uploaded this picture.Please send *THANK YOU* card to my house..

Guess who is this?here my latest photo..haha. .attention to owner of

im not ready yet..hhaha..

What I got during this short holiday?This is the thing that I used to keep my phone.simple but I love the way it was created.

Sorry for this entry.Its a bit short.Im so tired actually..
See again entry new story..last picture,TWIN TOWER OF SAUCE BOTTLE..

..combination of chilli and tomato sauce bottles..

the feel of happiness with them is totally awesome..

Friday, 25 January 2013

Noralimah Muhammad

dan assalamualikum uolls..(style mak datin..heheh)

Mesti tertanya2 apasal tiba2 nama owner blog plak yg jadi POST title..kan-kan?
Sebenarnya hasrat di hati ingin meng"UPDATE" blog dengan lebih kerap kira azam la ni..haha.
Okeylah,sebelum aku Hyper Xcited dan melalut,teruskan dengan tajuk utama(macam jd MC majlis pulak..lalaala)

..BIODATA 5h..
Nama aku Noralimah Binti Muhammad.Aku memang orang SABAH,tu la pasal blog aku "I AM SABAHAN"..hehehe..Aku anak ke-6 dari 7 orang adik beradik(4 Orang abangs,1 sista,1 younger sista)
Dalam family,aku lah yang paling comel..(hahak..sebab aku lah yg pling 
rendah)Aku sebenarnya asal Kota Belud tapi dalam IC orang Kota Marudu.Semua kawan2 panggil aku Limah,so nak bagi senang sikit,aku bagi singkat ja nama aku..5H..ok lah,turn to other subtopic.

comey tak?

Blog2 yang aku suka sangat:

Aku pun bukanlah perfect sangat tapi aku nak share juga benda yang aku suka kat DUNIA ciptaan Allah SWT ni..
Aku sangat suka baca blog FATIN LIYANA--> ..kalau boleh dalam sehari mesti berkali-kali aku lawat blog dia.Tu la pasal aku bagi tanda bintang untuk link blog dia(aku memang suka gila la ni,,,)..Kak Fatin Liyana looked so sweet and attractive.Kira aku macam bersemangat untuk update blog asal aku lawat blog dia..meh aku senaraikan blog2 yang aku suka sangat setakat ni..


Setakat ni,inilah blog yang aku selalu VISIT..everyday.,percaya tak?MESTI PERCAYA..(memaksa pulak budakk ni)

 foods and drinks:

HEHE..Wait for me..(WAVE)

Aku ni kadang-kadang KUAT makan jugalah.Dulu aku suka makan junk food atau pun mak aku selalu cakap "Makanan ringan" tapi setelah aku sedar betapa tingginya risiko untuk aku gemuk kalau selalu makan junk food.(PENGAKUAN:aku memang takut gemuk uolls,alololo..*KISAH BENAR*)..ok,straight to da point..Aku suka makan masakan yang mak aku masak sebab ia sangat sedappp berbanding masakan di restoran.(PEMILIK RESToRAN JANGAN TERASA YA).Aku sebenarnya tak tahan makan makanan yang pedas tapi kadang2 aku hantam saja..Hhahaha

Aku sebenarnya "ICE CREAM LOVER" terutama perisa vanila dan coklat.Satu rahsia tentang AKU,ICE CREAM dan SWEET FOOD..(Pelik tapi benar)AKU cuma boleh makan 1 aiskrim dalam sehari >>Sebab aku akan vomit jika terlebih dari satu kecuali AIS KRIM POTONG yang warna pink...

Minuman yang paling aku suka adalah MILO PANAS,TEH LEMON AIS dan susu DUTCHLADY.Cakap pasal minuman ni,aku paling tak suka dengan KOPI,aku pun tak tahu kenapa.Kopi sebenarnya anti-oksida biarpun ia ada kaffein(tak ingat ejaannya).Air yang paling bagus untuk tubuh badan dan kulit kita adalah air putih yang suam..hihik

p/s:Hensem brother aku cakap kalau minum air sejuk,takkan dapat badan yang super slim..mengejek la tu..
     memang betul juga lah..sebaik-baiknya,minumlah air yang sudah dimasak.

Ok lah,sebelum entry ni terlebih2 panjang,izinkan aku mengundur diri..
Semoga bersua di entry yang seterusnya..WASSALAM..

hargailah diri anda seadanya..
Tidak perlu untuk mengejar kesempurnaan kerana orang lain..
Kejarlah benda yang kekal seperti KASIH SAYANG pencipta..


...terima kasih kerana sudi membaca..

noralimah muhammad

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Mari kita berceloteh...cah!


hey hey.update status..update,update..Lama juga tidak menggunakan bahasa tercinta ni.
Memandangkan BACKGROUND blog aku dah tukar jadi aku semangat lah sikit..haha..
By the way,hari ni agak sibuk sikit sebab kena layan dip-dip terhormat.Semenjak habis sekolah ni,hari-hari aku tak pernah takda kerja..Setiap hari dalam otak "DUIT DUIT DUIT" eh,bukan tiba-tiba jadi materialistik pulak..

"THE DATO'" punyalah pemurah..pergg!siap belanja orang casing ipad lagi..
Mari cerita pasal dato ni.Fulamak,Isteri dia cun gila,comey PLUS++++ lah..Sebenarnya dato ni pangkat UNCLE abang ipar aku.Cun tak?Bukan pakcik akulah.haha..Aku nak temberang pun tak guna juga sebab itu realiti dia..(tengok kiri tengok kanan).fuhh!nasib tiada orang.Aku blogging kat office ni.(BERDISIPLIN TAK?kenyit mata sikit)..Jangan risau,aku tengah lunch ni..Perut pun dah nyanyi-nyanyi lagu "DORAEMON"

Korang pernah tak guna masker?Alah,yang macam topeng tu tapi yang ini untuk cantikkan kulit muka.Aku pun sebenarnya tak berapa nak rajin pergi spa ni.Sebenarnya tak pernah pun.Tapi penjagaan kulit muka ni amatlah penting untuk aku sekarang,Dulu masa sekolah menengah,aku tak kisah pun.Setelah aku keluar dari alam sekolah menengah aku tu,baru aku perasan yang semua tu penting..(Ceh,nak tangkap jiwangness pulak)..

NI la yang aku maksudkan..hehe..

Hari ni aku nak penuhkan hari aku dengan aktiviti yang aku suka..haha..(Buka buku nota..cek,cek,cek)

  • 8.00am - 8.00pm--->kerja Oh kerja.(Income masuk)hehe..
  • 8.00pm-08.15pm---->pulang rumah dengan mr.DAUS or Mr.Naz.(bukan skandal ya..

Sampai rumah.Buang beg then terus speed ke Swimming pool..(Tak pandai berenang tapi nak juga..)ha ha ha ha..

Serius please..
BAIK BAIK BAIK,,sebenarnya aku rindu dengan rumah,mama,bapa dan semualah..termasuk c MEOW..Alangkah sedihnya hati ini..kalau boleh,sehari mesti call mak dua kali.Omaigod omaigod..Rindu giloss.YEYEYE..ahad ni aku cuti,walaupun cuma 3 hari tapi itupun terbaikkk sudah..THANKS BOSS@SISTA..

tengkiu..maafkan diri ini andai ada bahasa yang bercampur..(MAAF)

..NoraLimah MuhammaD..

buble,buble,bubble..psst!!: ADDICTED..AUCH!

buble,buble,bubble..psst!!: ADDICTED..AUCH!: Ever you felt crazy to finish something? oh yeah..just like i am..really crazy to continue reading this awesome novel oh,its attract me so...

Saturday, 19 January 2013

now,my feeling is.*A BIT UNKNOWN*

assalamualaikum and hi everybody..
I'm so happy because I still can get the fresh air..

I'll say that I love you so much even at the same time I felt quit hesitate

Dear my sweet amigos..
How are you all there?I really miss you  guys..

Do you ever feel confident and then its automatically change to hesitation?
Its the awkward moment that I really hate most to actually.
Today I will share more lenghty one about what is the unknown thingy that posses my mind in this few days.

i amor usted mucho

I wish I could say it to the RIGHT ONE without I feel any hesitation then.
I really hope it
You know,I felt awful when I have to say that "I DONT LOVE YOU" even my heart force me to say that I felt what you felt towards me.
I hope if I already met you"MR.RIGHT"
I could say "THANKS GOD"
I wish he will think like that too

my secret that nobody knows..
its bad to hide it for a long time..

I just need some peace somewhere..
Where i dont worry about anything
only care about HOW WANT TO BE HAPPY  and kind-hearted...

RUN AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHO ONLY KNOW HOW TO PUSH PEOPLE... heart looked empty but it seem hatred wanted to full it...
..please dont.. shouldnt b happened dear..
...i need myself to be more calmer..
..dont let anything to control my mind..


Friday, 18 January 2013


Ever you felt crazy to finish something?
oh yeah..just like i am..really crazy to continue reading this awesome novel
oh,its attract me so much.

The more i read,the more i felt eager to know the next story...

actually its the first time i felt so addicted to and read..

Do u know what i felt while I'm reading my favourite book?
Happy,and so many feelings indeed..
I like to be as the own main character if i read the story so i can feel how is real AWESOME while reading..

The books that i read today is dark angel..
actually I'm still reading,not finish yet..
..this is the book...i guess that u ever saw it..
I really like this main character.Her name is Gillian.She was simple but beautiful for sure.
and the hero for this story is DAVID BLACKBURN.ouch,he attract me much.
its the feeling of crazy towards my fantasy cool man..

Don't u ever felt like u are in that story or the novel that u read?
let me talk about my experience..
before,i have read Malay novel and its totally touched my little heart.
i really felt the sadness when the hero of the story was died.

its a bit awkward to be heard right?act like childish..
but its totally true,

i really love to read.
reading a book like to die for..

ehem2,let me more kind today..(laugh louder)

"reading is a bridge of knowledge"

its me....

~NoUrA nOrAlImAh~

Monday, 14 January 2013


ASSALAMUALAIKUM and holla everybody...

Yesterday was totally awesome..
hahahaha..long time no sit in front of  you my bubble blog...


yesterday,was my off day as the worker..but as my brother in law had said that we must get ready 24-hours as a smart and responsible worker.hohoho...He is really suitable to be a fierce lecturer actually.

The very first place that we went was Gaya Street Market.Fuyooh!there were so many people..Its crowded place.Walk carefully and always took a look to your bag or it will disappeared by it self..(magic right).Actually,only my sister and I had a walk to that GSM because the kids were very naughty...

After got all the things that we wanted,we rushed to the car park and kept all the thing into the car.Then,our stomach was singing and we made a decision to have a breakfast before we went to 1 Borneo or generally known as 1B.We had our BFT at Oldtown White cOffee.Its awesome when we had to write the code of food to made an order.Whoa,the kids were so naughty.i was lucky because the babysitter was there.

Then my bro-in- law drove to 1B and so and so we stop and sat at the massager chair..whoa,its awesome..then,we saw at the small ice cream shop..McDonald's ice cream..Honestly,i was ice cream lover but i only can eat in a small quantity..Before we were leaving the giant building,we got our favourite chocolate smoothie there..

uh?it was raining.Overload focus to the game cause we spent a lot of time there.One more thing,its too cold and cause my sister and i searching for a toilet in the hotel..crazy idea..

Then,we entered our favourite book store..HARRIS..yeyeyey..i met so many books.Im crazy.
then,i saw my favourite author's book..NIGHT WORLD written by L.J SMITH..
He was The Vampire Diaries drama writer.I like it so much.

NIGHT WORLD book actually included 3 story in it.3 In saved my budget,only Rm16.90.
the stories included in it was:::""

In DARK ANGEL,Gillian is saved from drowning by her guardian angel.Only visible to Gillian,Angel will fullfill her heart's every desire.But when Angel starts making strange andsinister requests,Gillian must question who he truly is and where came from.

In THE CHOSEN,Armed with a wooden stake,martial arts,and the will to resist a vampire's mind control,Rashel struggles to avenge her mother's death.Then she meets Quinn,her soulmate,who is part of the world she has vowed to destroy.

In SOULMATE,Hannah receives notes warning her of incredible danger.But if death is her destiny,is the LORD OF NIGHT WORLD's love strong enough to save her?

Then,i took a look to that books and i felt attracted to read this book.
i dont know why im crying when i read the book..The book is written by IBNU RIJAL or Muhammad Nazri Bin Rijal.The book contained a lot of moral value.I love this book because it contained a lot of  translation of Al-quran Surah..It makes me felt how much important we place our love to Allah at the highest place in our heart..

the writer said"warning!dont stop your tears"

Noura Noralimah