Sunday, 24 November 2013



Since I received that question.
When somebody asked me if I would delete my ASK.FM account and redo a new one.
I felt that somebody might hate me so much.Much.

But,I wouldn't do that.
I never care actually.
I just somebody that never want to feel anything that hurt me.

Someday,that account might disappeared by itself.
I just too busy to feel any small things.

I hope that I could be a good person.

I never hate person .



Hi.Tomorrow lecture will start again.
I came back here on Friday,22nd November 2013.
I just attacked by two feelings;EXCITED and UNHAPPY

I just too excited to start a new day tomorrow after mind resting for 3 weeks.
All the things may be differ tomorrow.
New lecturer,new syllabus,and the newest that all of my class starts 7 a.m.

The thing that makes I feel unhappy,the water is not in good condition.

I just hope that everything get better soon .

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

I like to be's friend



Saje nak share betapa aku rajin bukak semata-mata nak tengok apa yang dia drop di ask box aku.

Mula-mula memang takda feeling,tapi lama-lama aku suka pulak kwn dgn c Mr.H.E ni.

 Even kenal secara maya tapi memang seronok ok.

Tapi. .

Aku pun tak tau.

Hehehe. .

Rasa dan Dia.


Andai masa itu boleh aku ulang.Aku rasa macam banyak benda yang perlu aku padam dan perbetulkan.

Setelah 3 tahun lebih,aku masih teringat akan dia.Seseorang yang sangat sempurna bagi aku.Entahlah,mungkin sebab dia terlalu peduli pasal hati aku.Mungkin.

Aku mungkin terlalu hargai perasaan yang berharga itu sehingga hati aku kini masih dipenuhi dengan rasa itu.


Aku telah membuat sesuatu yang pasti aku akan menyesal.Satu-satunya gambar yang patut aku simpan hilang entah dimana.

Aku selalu berharap agar dia masuk dalam mimpi.Walau sekali sahaja.Apakah aku yang terlalu sukar untuk melepaskannya pergi?

Aku hanya dapat memberikan Al-Fatihah kepadamu.

Almost Starving.



Almost starving is my scary experience.
Before this funderful break started,my ATM card was not function properly,
I just too scared.I had no cash in my wallet.I couldn't focus in my class.

I just too grateful to God because He gave me a good friends who could release me from that problem.
I really felt thankful to her,who willing to help me.
Who willing to treat me while I didn't have any cash even RM1.

Since there,I meant matriculation,I abled to be strong .

Thanks for all of your kindness friends.

Thanks for reading!!^_____^


I'll leave home.


The title looks so pathetic.

Yup!Tonight is the last time I sleep in my bed room.
Tomorrow morning I'll go to Kota Kinabalu.As usual before the real "go away".

My aunt keep asking me this,"what time are you leaving?" or in korean " myeot-ssie gal kkeoyeyo".

I'll not be home for a long time.
I hate to admit it actually.
na seulpeo (i'm sad)

I just hope that the new me will appear for the 2nd term.

Thanks for reading!!^___^

Monday, 18 November 2013


credit to google

Hai.Hari tu aku ada terdengar tentang Insidious ni.Cerita filem ni memang boleh buat bulu roma meremang.Tidak hairanlah jika ia menjadi buah mulut setiap penggemar cerita seram.
Insidious ni ada Insidious,Insidious 2 dan tidak lama lagi Insidious 3.Aku rasa aku tidak akan ada masa yang banyak untuk ke panggung wayang.Aku hanya akan menonton di skrin laptop sahaja.

Sebelum menulis entri pasal filem ni,aku rajin-rajin lah menggunakan Google untuk mencari maklumat di wikipedia walaupun aku sudah menonton Insidious dan Insidious 2 semalam.Hampir tercabut jantung aku bila tengok seorang diri.

Aku nak kongsi pasal Insidious 2.Filem ni dikeluarkan pada 13 September 2013.Mungkin sudah banyak yang menontonnya di panggung-panggung wayang.Ia adalah sambugan daripada Insidious pada tahun 2010.

Barisan pelakon Insidious :>>>

Patrick Wilson

credit to google

 Rose Byrne

credit to google
 Ty Simpkins

 credit to google

 Cerita Insidious 2 ni sambungan dari Insidious,Jadi korang perlu tengok Insidious yang pertama supaya tak keliru.Hehe.Sinopsisnya sangat panjang so check it out.

Selamat menonton!

Add Maths


 Awalnye I hupdate blog.Nasib omak takde.
Maybe ni laa entri yang terawal yang dapat aku taip sebab next week kuliah start dahh.
So,aku akan jadi antara manusia yang sibuk le.

Nak kongsi sikit pasal Additional Mathematic.Korang ada ambik subjek ni masa form 4 and 5 tak?Aku sure ambik sebab sekarang dialaa best friend aku.Antaranya laa sebab kalau masuk matrik mesti ada subjek ni.Wajib la di katakan.Kalau nak drop,tak boleh melainkan keluar dari course yang melibatkan add math macam perakaunan.

So,adik-adik yang benci tahap angry bird tu,cubalah suka sebab tak menyesal punya.Like me,rasanya aku laa antara manusia yang rasa macam kehabisan oksigen bila tengok soalan add maths tapi sekarang ok daa.Bak kata lecturer,be creative bila dengan add maths.

This year bila keputusan pengambilan Form 6 keluar,aku hampir meroyan sebab aku takda dalam list.Kecewa tahap nak nangis darah le.Aku terfikir nak merayu la konon,tapi bila check panggilan matrik,Alhamdulillah aku dapat.Terfikir yang aku akan jumpa add maths kembali so aku sedaya upaya untuk sangat suka.Then,aku dapat juga selesaikan soalan sendiri.

So,banyak buat latihan banyaklaa ilmu yang korang dapat.Selamat berjaya kepada yang amik subjek ni.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Hooooliday Time


3 weeks holiday might cause your heartbeat did not want to stop till the end.Miahahaha.
There were  few things that I wanted to list down that I've done a few days ago.

I became a good maid.I just got an extravaganza of dilligentness.Since I back home,I turn on my dilligent mode.Prevent from getting fat was the main reason.I've no time to jog actually because my sister was super lazy since she was preparing for her BIG exam.SPM.I cleaned all the stuff that making my eyes turns to red.Since I got no assignment for this holiday so I'm such a good "penganggur" for 3 weeks.

I learned cooking.Actually I just watched my mom cooked so I just imagined that I was cooking.
Somebody said that girl who couldn't cook never would be a woman.What?I should learn cooking.Hahahaha.I just prepared myself for baking a cake.It seems easy as eating peanut.(Pepatah MelayuEnglish)

I met my beloved friends.They were Habibah,Nadila and Farhanah.Since I did not take a picture using my phone so I couldnt show their faces.

I became a tutor for my younger sister,book lover,korean dramas lover and a good tester for food.Hahaha.
And I got time to taste THE CRAZY CRUNCH.

credit to Google

So,I hope all of you enjoy reading

Friday, 8 November 2013

Cuti Semester

Hi everyone.Do you see that title?Cuti semester sudah tiba!!Mari kita bersuka ria.HAHAHA.

Ehem,Ehem. .
Jangan nak excited sangat ok. Rindu nak blogging sebenarnya tapi assignment yang banyak menghalang jari-jemari ini untuk menari di atas keyboard QWERTYUIOP ini.
Cuti semester memang akan menjadi sangat seronok bila berada di rumah.24/7 jumpa TV uools.
Lagi seronok tahap teruja yang amat bila I dapat tengok channel KBS world .Dapat tengok Romance Town.HAHAHA.Gumbira sungguh rasa hati bila dapat cuti 3 weeks ni.Even bila balik nanti kelas start,assignment beratur siap bagi senyuman lagi and result siap bergulung-gulung lagi menunggu iools balik.

Bagi kengkawan yang tak cuti tu.Jangan nak sedih sampai tak makan pulok.Hehehe.
Banyak benda yang nak dibuat sebenarnya.Tahap kemalasan aku mengatasi segalanya sehingga aku macam invisible di rumah sebab I like to stay in my bedroom.Rindu la sangat.
Hari ini genaplah umur kawan aku 18 tahun.Aku malas nak wish sebenarnya.Akhirnya aku wish juga sebab aku rasa aku mesti wish even dia ignore je mesej aku yang ikhlas tu. .

Nanti aku hupdate lg ek.Thanks pada someone yang panggil aku cik kaq tu.Sebab kau la aku rajin nak menaip entry malam ni.Hahaha..Entry ini hanya untuk menghilangkan habuk yang semakin menebal di blog aku.I'm HOME.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Confession from me.


I need HOME.
I need TV.
I need that soft COUCH.
I need to eat something cooked by MOM.

Time just left me behind.

Then,I forgot to have a lunch today.People may think that I was in process spending my money wisely,thats why I did not eat rice during dinner.Absolutely not true but I also confused about my appetite that almost decrease everyday.Since my final exam  around the corner,I almost missed my dinner since a week ago.Its not about diet but I really frustrated with myself.Its almost starving but I'm not.I really need my home.Need to have a joke with my younger sister and watch my favourite TV drama and so on.

I just need some space to read,observe and think.I think and think about why I'm here.I need to pursue my ambition as a doctor and be ready to help people on the FUTURE.That's why I'm here.My mental need to be ready and strong.I need to be more independent because I'm alone here.
I just too afraid if I can't handle my own self properly.After  and after,I think I really miss my Dad and Mom.

Since I miss them so much.I think I have to do something.I must make them proud.
 I promise.
Since,Im rarely typing or posting any entry in this territory,I just lost my talent in typing.
So,honestly it is not awesome to be a silent blogger..

Actually,I lost my happy mood.I just really want to be kind,myself and forget about people who dont respect me.I really hate to think that I'm angry.That's not really cool.


Thats all.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Selamat Hari Malaysia



        Bersempena di hari yang penuh bermakna ini,aku nak ucap Selamat Hari Malaysia kepada semua warga Malaysia yang disayangi.Aku sangat berbangga sebab aku rakyat Malaysia.Negara yang bebas dari sebarang peperangan.Kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia mestilah sentiasa bersyukur kerana negara kita tidak seperti negara luar yang setiap saat rakyatnya ketakutan,nyawa seakan-akan tidak bermakna,perikemanusiaan hilang entah ke mana.Kita seharusnya bersyukur kepada Illahi kerana memberi kita peluang hidup di negara yang aman ini.

       Kadang-kadang aku geram kenapa segelintir remaja lebih memilih untuk membandingkan Malaysia dengan negara luar.Ada yang berkata" Malaysia tak best sebab salji takda,tak boleh main salji,panaslah,dan bermacam-macam lagi".Kita seharusnya sedar,kalau seluruh dunia bersalji dimanakah keseimbangannya?Kita harus bersyukur sebab Malaysia tidak terlalu panas sehingga boleh menyebabkan kulit manusia terbakar.

      Kita juga mesti mengenang jasa dan rasa berterima kasih kepada Bapa Kemerdekaan kita kerana sudi berjuang untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan untuk negara kita.

Kita seharusnya bersyukur kerana Malaysia merupakan negara yang berbilang kaum yang bertolak ansur.
Aku sangat berbangga sebab aku rakyat Malaysia.

Sayangilah Malaysia,
Lindungilah Malaysia,
Berbanggalah menjadi rakyat Malaysia..

Sahabat Part 2.



Sebelum aku memungkiri janji yang aku taburkan bulan lepas,baik aku sambung entri ni.Nant tak pasal-pasal aku diibaratkan seperti menanam tebu di bibir..
Aku sebenarnya bukan dah tak nak jenguk blog ni tapi aku sangatlah sibuk.Exam semester 1 sudah dekat.Debaran pun semakin terasa.Dup Dap Dup.Semakin hari semakin laju degupan itu.
Ye laa,mana nak belek buku Biology mana nak menaip.Sebenarnya ini bukan alasan semata-2..

By the way,aku nak sambung pasal kawan aku tu.
DNF actually memang kawan yang baik,a bit funny.Semua orang suka dia,termasuk aku sebab dia jadi diri dia sendiri.Dia ni kadang-kadang suka tanya aku soalan yang pelik-pelik.Aku bagi contohlah

DNF:Noura,kau rasa muka aku pelik ka?

Sebenarnya aku pelik macam mana la dia boleh terfikir yang muka dia tu pelik.
Sebenarnya dia tu comel.No doubt.Dia ni sebenarnya macam ada satu aura yang takde kat orang lain.Thats why la kalau dekat dia memang ko rasa tenang je.
Satu lagi yang aku pelik,bila kami face to face,its such nothing to talk about.Bila dalam phone,mak aaii..bermuka surat pula cerita.Mungkin cerita yang kami kongsi tu hanya kami ja yang boleh tau.

Lagi satu,aku suka bila dengar dia bercerita.Lucu ada.
Maaf andai entri ini tidak menarik.Entri ini khas untuk sahabat saya yang bernama DNF.

DNF,banyak lagi sebenarnya tapi cukupla aku yang tahu.Sehh,nada pertuturanku penuh drama kan..Hahahah..

Thursday, 15 August 2013

I'd Lie

..Peace be Upon ..

I'd Lie
Because I'm a human being.
Created by Our Creator.

I  lied to my self because I wanted all my beloved people to be happy.Happy as they were together with me.They did know how I felt when they were yelling at me.I felt like nut.Crashed and thrown into smelly dustbin.How I willing to smile and lied to my self.My own feeling.I never care actually how much I got hurted.I would never care.I would never care even I got ignored.Because I was strong.I stood on my own way.I never asked anything even thought I needed it so much.Much than what people thought.

I lied to my self that I never angry to my best friend.I got once.I really angry.The feeling made I felt I was bad.I was an ordinary person.I wasn't an angel.No,please think!.

This entry absolutely told about what I felt.I learnt to ask apology.Being a good person.

Can you imagine being ignored only because your past?
When you did something wrong at the past and your friend judged it now.
If life was like a movie,I would repeat it and changed it storyboard.

I lied too when I said I never love someone.I lied when I said I never let my friend raise her happiness than mine.I lied when I said I never thrown big value of money for them.

Now I being my self.Which the bad or good side is the real me.
I didn't have to pretend I agree with them everytime.
I knew they did not think how I was thinking.
Even they knew me since in primary school,they still almost or even hate me when I did something wrong.
Why all of you chose that way than chose the way to advise me?

I still kept remember how you who never talked to me,judged me throught the phone.Sent something that really made I felt down.

But dont worry.
I still have the sacred heart.
You were listed in my pray everyday.All of you.

That's how the feeling when you kept it .

Appreciate people is a good way to make your self happy.
Dont show off if you still a human.
Everyone did mistake as i am..
But I still loves them as before..

Have a sweet dream..

Seorang Sahabat Part 1

Assalamualaikum andaa semua..

Setelah beberapa hari tak post entri aku rasa pelik sebab idea aku macam dah limited edition pulok.
Apa khabar blogger-2 n visitor-2 yang ciut miut?Eh,anda yang tengah baca entri I ni le.
Ok.Mulai hari ni Iools akan merajinkan diri untuk mengePOSkan entri walaupun entri tu ayat dia ciput gile.Improvement yang bagus kan?Baru-baru ni Iools exam.Tiga hari exam dirasakan seperti tiga minggu.Proses perah-memerah otaklah dikatakan padahal aku sempat lagi main game Super Mario..Hahahaha!!.Itulah aku,orang stress aku buat bodoh je padahal dalam hati aku ni,Masya Allah,time jawab exam pun aku berdebar-debar macam kena kejar dek anjing.

Aku nak share sikit dengan korang pasal seorang sahabat aku ni.Eventhough aku dengan dia jarang jumpa tapi weools selalu contact-contact juga.Alaa korang ni,kite dengan sahabat kite tu selalu Wechat laa.Kan sekarang Wechat la segalanya.Harhar.Menyampah aku nengok entri aku ni.Ok laa sebelum aku naik lemak,baik aku teruskan .


Aku kenal dia since kita orang form 4 lagi.Kami sama-sama student baru tapi dia dulu baru akulaa.Kami dalam kelas yang sama.Aku sebenarnya tak pernah berniat pun nak pindah sekolah tu tapi memandangkan sekolah tu je yang ada aliran sains so apalagi..masuk je laa.Aku dengan dia tidaklah serapat dia dengan sahabat kami yang seorang tu (MF) bukan nama sebenar.Kami jarang bercerita sebab rasa kekok sebab aku rasa topik perbualan semuanya tidak sesuai.

Nak tau tak?
Sekarang dialah sahabat yang selalu kacau-kacau aku setiap hari..Hahaha..gurau je..Kawan-kawan yang aku anggap sahabat dunia akhirat sebelum ni tak pun mesej aku.Tamat je SPM semua blah macam tu je.They were like bubble in the ocean.Hahaha.Aku pun tak tau di mana silap aku .Mungkin aku bukanlah kawan yang boleh kamcing dengan dorang macam dulu.But,aku tetap tunggu dorang sapa aku dan akan ingat macam mana aku ingat dengan dorang.Raya aku hambar sebenarnya.Hanya tiga hari beraya bersama family yang selalu buat aku tak kering gusi.Sahabat aku bernama DNF.Tu bukan nama alien atau ahli Girl Generation yang terbaru tau.Tu singkatan nama dia laa.

Since I've observed her..
I learnt to be more and more independent and searched for my own identity.The identity that lost because I hate myself.One of my friend ever said that I did not have my own identity.At the first time,I was down.Down like the dead grass.Then,I tried to dig my own feeling,my real attitude,what is my real life is.I found my self.I can feel the freedom of my self.Free from the confused feeling.
Actually she taught me to be kind to animals.She was so caring actually.It can be seen when she saw a cat.Any cat.Even the ugliest cat.She still look to that cat with her adorable eyes.Mata "amoi" aa..I'll never forget her word when she saw a cat.Chichimita!!.I almost laugh because her voice just like a small kid who trying to speak.

Aku sangat beruntung sebenarnya sebab kenal budak bermata "amoi" ni.Banyak sebenarnya aku nak share pasal dia tapi tunggu Part 2 naa.Panjang benar sudah.Entri ini bukan la seperti DNA yang berbentuk helical yang boleh bergulung-gulung so jumpa di Part 2.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Kenapa mesti pening?

Lama tak update entry..aku sibuk sebenarnya,sibuk dengan hidup baru yang baru bermula..hidup sebagai seorang pelajar..

Kenapa mesti pening?sebenarnya aku tertanya-tanya kenapa aku mesti pening hanya disebabkan benda yang sekecik zarah itu..lelaki..sajalah tu nak kacau tumpuan aku..kau ingat kau Mr.Handsome ke nak kacau-2 aku..haha..aku pun tak inginlaa..

Aku dapat idea entry setelah roomate aku mentazkirahkan aku..bahawa aku sangat beruntung sebab takda pakwe..ayat dia yang paling last aku suka..senang laa kau mengurat sebab takda orang nak marah..hahaha..aku tak tahan,rasa nak mampus ketawa walaupun aku sebenarnya tak nak ketawa..

Ketawa yang menutupi kesakitan hati aku..hahahaha!Budak matrik tak payah bercinta..kata-kata abang aku masih tersemat kukuh di hati dan memori otak aku yang makin penuh dengan maths,kimia,biologi n computer sc ni..

Haahah!..sesungguhnya berbaloi aku menggunakan handphone untuk menaip entry..barulah idea berlumba-lumba nak masuk..tak menang otak jo..sebenarnya kamek sengaja mau test try cuba..haha  ..oklaa untuk menghilangkan stress sambil menunggu waktu iftar tiba..

Selamat berbuka semua..^_^..

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Semangat derr menjawab

Assalamualaikum uools..

Lama tak tulis entri.Almaklumlaa sibuk.Sibuk dengan assignment yang macam nak aku dating dengan dorang 24-hours.Sibuk layan cik abangs yang gediks.hahahaha!Gurau je laa..

Hari tu masuk makmal komputer dengan pensyarah a.k.a madam M.orang laen sibuk buat website kita orang sibuk baca blog kak Fatin Liyana.Amboii,kemain khusyuk lagi kita orang sehingga tidak menyedari kehadiran Madam M kat belakang.Amik kau kena skodeng.

Tiba-3 terpacul soalan berlian dari mulut Madam M,

Madam:Kenapa laa Fatin Liyana ni femes sangat?Ada je kat mana-mana..

Aku:Sebab dia kan talented madam.

Madam:Amacam kamu tahu?

Kawans aku:Madam baca laa sendiri blog dia..*Sambil buat muka seposen*

Aku bukan main lagi nak mampus tahan ketawa aku daripada meledak kat depan madam.Punyaala jawapan kawan aku tu mampu membuatkan madam terkesima.Dialog seterusnya..

Madam:Amacam kamu boleh minat dengan dia?*macam nak interview kami je*

Aku:Dia kan Blogger yang femes madam,bakal doktor pulak tu.

Madam:Amboii,hafal kamu ek.Dia dah habes study belom?

Aku and geng:tahun akhir dah madam!!

Semangat sangat..hahahhah

Entri ini hanya untuk berkongsi ..Bukan mencaci..
Aku sebenarnya kalau boleh,setiap hari nak baca blog kak FL..

k,TTFN a.k.a Ta Ta For Now..

Saturday, 6 July 2013


Assalamualaikum Gorgeous and Handsome..

Long time no typing since last week was so busy with quizes,tutorials and lectures.
If I could,I'll stop the time and just sat and typing a new entry but seriously I was joking if I can.Hahaha!
Last week was tremendous with assignments.

Skype?Do you have skype?Me too.!!
I didn't realize when I started to be active in  this social network.
You know,skyping has been my favourite.
All the things done through this social  network.Discusssing an assignment .

So,if you have your Skype?Please add mine..Noura Noralimah..Especially you,Glistening's owner 

Orite dear,I'll be here next time.

Assalamualaikum uools!

Saturday, 22 June 2013


 un-related picture just to warm up our eyes


Hi gorgeous and handsome..
I just want to share my opinion to all of you.
While I was surfing an internet used my lappy yesterday,I decided to log in to my Facebook.
Then,I saw a post on my wall.Its disrupted my attention actually.She asked how to handle this NERVOUS problem.Nervous was the feeling that totally influenced our life if we did not try any alternatives to solve it.So, for me,nervous was a common feeling but its bad if you lost your confident only because of it.

Basically, I was familiar and surrounded with this feeling especially during presentation weekend.You know what I do?I just remained cool as I can and made a point that I was a good presenter too as well as the others.
Let me tell you why the nervous feeling appeared in our(selves) or obviously in my(self).There a few things that you must know.

Lack of confidence
Obviously people will get nervous when they had to stand in front their classmates but brave as cheetah while they were at the back.Are they ashamed with their own friends?This was an abnormal feeling that appeared in our mind.Afraid when the others laughed when you did a mistake.Excuse me,perfection did not a huge issue.As long as you can do your work done and you felt happy because you did your best.Lack of confident usually occurred in your first time.As for the example,when you were asking by your lecture or anybody to introduce yourself.You may get *dup dap!dup dap!* echo.Its normal bro.You will feel it even slightly.As for me,I'll make sure that I was 100% confident while I was introducing myself even thought I was asking to speak in English.Then there was the *OhMyEnglish Season 3* started.All the words were a broken English.

Over thinking
This an usual issue.Am I pretty enough to stand in front of them?Am I okay?I was too shamed with Abu.Hahhahaha!!Nonsense as well as the answer of the question.Why should you over thinking only to get the answer?Its nothing to be counted or got critic by any side.It was not a competition.As a 1st intake student,I was too blur before why the 2nd and 3rd intake students got so nervous to talk with us.I was not your senior okay,we were same.Do not think that you are not deserved to speak only because that 2nd and 3rd intake issue.Its nothing.

Watch out with this reason.This was a dangerous reason.I might get migraine if I had this as my main reason.As for the example,when you got an invitation for any interview.You might get ready a week early right?You will get so nervous if you were in zero mind at the time.So you deserved to be nervous.At first,you had to calm down as soon as possible.The solution was,preparation must be done.All the thing need enough preparation.As I'm,everyday preparation was needed because the pop quiz will make your heart beating faster if the quiz pop up.A scary thing.O my eyes,I'm absolutely sleep.Sat in front of this laptop with my sleepy eyes.Then I will type slowly as the snail.

There was your man/girl
Before I start,let me laugh louder and louder.Why so shy?Why so serious?Why so and so?They still a human being.They will be proud if they saw you were fully confident in front.So why you had to nervous?Tell me why?This was my last reason for this problem.You don't have to be so nervous in front of them.Its nothing to be worry because they may give you a big box of supports and they may be your great supporter.So be confident and don't get so nervous especially in front of them or you will lost their confident on you.So be careful BABY.One more thing,if they were focusing on you while you were presenting your slide or whatever that you did,you have to be in positive thinking.They might get impressed by you.Hahahhaahahha..Just think that you a good enough like the others and you could do better than before.

Before I'm going out,I just want to share that success needed confidence.Just be yourself and raise your confidence level by believe in yourself.
Nothing is impossible if Allah will..Trust me..^--^

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Magnum oh Magnum

See you again in my territory..Behind of Noura
After a few minutes after the first post of my entry,I decided to share about this one.

Magnum?So what you think?It's really makes my life.
Could you see this picture below how I am feel too excited.

Whoaa..I spent RM3.90 for this awesome ice-cream.How I fall in love with MAGNUM.
I chose Magnum Almond because I like almond.

Definition of Magnum,(ice-cream)

Magnum is an ice cream brand owned by the British/Dutch Unilever company, and sold as part of the Heartbrand line of products in most countries. It was originally made by Frisko in Aarhus, Denmark. The original 1987 Magnum (later re-branded as Magnum Classic) consisted of a thick bar of vanilla ice cream on a stick, covered with white or dark chocolate, with a weight of 86 grams (120 ml). In 1994 the company also started selling Magnum ice cream cones, and in 2002 an ice cream sandwich

Magnum has the variation in flavour from those years.

  • 1989: Original Magnum, later re-branded "Magnum Classic"
  • 1992: Almond
  • 1993: Chocolate
  • 1993: White
  • 1994: Cone Classic
  • 1995: Walnut
  • 1996: Nougat
  • 1996: Magnum White Chocolate Coconut
  • 1996: Cone Almond
  • 1997: Orange Choc
  • 1998: Ego
  • 1999: Double Caramel
  • 2000: Double Chocolate
  • 2001: Caramel & nuts
  • 2002: Sandwich
  • 2002: Yoghurt Fresh
  • 2003: Seven deadly sins (Lust, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Vanity)
  • 2004: Intense (Stick)
  • 2004: Intense (Cup)
  • 2005: Five Senses (Aroma, Touch, Vision, Sound, Taste)
  • 2007: Ecuador Dark/Colombia Aroma/Temptation/Java
  • 2007: Mint
  • 2008: Mayan mystica
  • 2009: Moments
  • 2010: Gold
  • 2011: White Chocolate & Nuts
  • 2012: Infinity (Chocolate or Chocolate and Caramel)
  • 2012: Mint
  • 2012: Mochaccino
  • 2013: 5 Kisses (Creme Brulee, Meringue and Red Fruits, Tiramisu, Chocolate Cake, Apple Pie)
Last but not least,these countries where the flavor of magnum came from

Australia Australia
  • Big Choc Bikkie
  • Magnum Gold (a Magnum with a hard, gold-coloured syrup shell.)
    • Also sold in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Malaysia (discontinued), Malta, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden (discontinued) and the United Kingdom.
  • Magnum Sandwich with Almonds
  • Mini Honeycomb
  • Mini Pure Pleasures
  • Mini White Choc
  • Peppermint
  • Ultra Toffee Nut Crunch
  • Ultra White Berry Bliss
France France
  • Coco-chocolat noir
  • Magnum Gold
India India
  • Magnum Almond
  • Magnum Chocolate Truffle
  • Magnum Classic
Indonesia Indonesia
  • Magnum Almond
  • Magnum Choco Cappuccino
  • Magnum Chocolate Truffle
  • Magnum Classic
  • Magnum Chocolate Brownie
  • Magnum Chocolate & Strawberry
  • Magnum Golden Hazelnut
  • Magnum Gold
Israel Israel
  • Desire Range
    • Desire - Chocolate Chunks
  • Magnum Gold
Italy Italy
  • Bomboniera
  • Magnum Gold
  • Temptation (caramel, orange with bon-bons, nougat with bon-bons)
Mexico Mexico
  • 7 Pecados
  • Almendras
  • Pistache
  • 2006: Deseos
  • 2007: Miztica
Netherlands Netherlands
  • Magnum Gold
  • Magnum Almond
  • Magnum Classic
  • Magnum Chocolate Truffle
  • Magnum Choco-Cappuccino
  • Magnum Chocolate Brownie
  • Magnum Chocolate & Strawberry
  • Magnum Almond
  • Magnum Classic
  • Magnum Mint
  • Magnum Yoghurt
  • Magnum Mini's
  • Magnum Caramell
  • Magnum Chocolate Brownie
  • Magnum White
  • Magnum Double-Chocholate
  • Magnum Gold
  • Magnum Pink
  • Magnum Dark Espresso
Singapore Singapore
  • Magnum Almond
  • Magnum Classic
  • Magnum Double Caramel
  • Magnum Gold
  • Mini Limoncello
  • Mini Irish Cream
  • Mini Chocolate
  • Mini Strawberry
  • Magnum Almond
  • Magnum Classic
  • Magnum Chocolate Truffle
  • Magnum Choco-Cappuccino
  • Magnum Chocolate Brownie
  • Magnum Chocolate & Strawberry
Turkey Turkey
  • Beyaz Büyü ("White Magic"; white chocolate and almonds over vanilla cream mixed with chocolate chips)
  • Magnum Gold
  • Strawberry Cheesecake Magnum
  • Super Ego (Dark chocolate and almonds over peanut and vanilla cream)
  • Winner (Candybar-shaped version; milk chocolate with peanuts over vanilla cream and caramel)

And,for the detail information,you are allowed to visit this page....

Wala,lovaa...Finish..time for lunch.

Behind of Noura
There's a lot of thing to share.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

good and bad of the silent mode


I'm so happy when I'm starting  a new entry....

Uh!Could you read and understand what is BEHIND THE SILENT MODE means?Actually I just want to talk about people who like to stay silent than be a person that like to talk like a PARROT.I mean the non-stop one.It obviously when you are in the same class with those people who like to be silent and make you feel that you are alone.

*I'm smiling like I said "Tigee" word*
Alright,lets we talk more detail..
Ok,ok,ok..Actually silent doesn't mean that the person is snobbish or arrogant.They have their reason to be like that.Like me.I'll keep silent if I want to think more and more.This proven because sometimes I'll be the person that so friendly and smile to everybody that I meet anywhere.

 credit to google search

Straight to the exact point.Behind the silent mode,there's a lot of secret.HAHAHAHAHA!I'm typing like I'm in the middle of big chaos.It is the impact of a long time no blogging.I'm so exhausted waiting for the right time to sit in front of my nucleus lappy.What I mean by the secret behind the silent mode is BRILLIANT idea.You may think that the non-talkative person may be the super un-knowledged right?Or I'm the person that thinking like that?Hahahaha..Exactly nope.This is happen when one of my friend that like to being silent can speak English fluently and he got the nice mark.Then,they may be creative one.This thing really impress when one of my friend that look like a nerdy one can draw an anime exactly like in the comic.

thanks to google
Sometimes people remains in a silent mode because they want avoid from hurt others.
One word actually can not explain whole the thing.Like the situation when you have to choose neither being silent or face the problem.Both this thing may bring an equal advantages and disadvantages but sometimes silent may be good enough and show that yourself and my(self) really do not have any mood to involve.Yeay.
I'll keep any advice here.I am such an ordinary teenager want to speak out my own opinion about behind the silent .First of first,if somebody that always being silent in front of you.He or she actually waiting for your first word such as *Hi,how are you today?*,*Are you free for lunch dude?*Like me,I'll keep silent but sometimes I start the conversation first to break the gap between I and the others.This normally happen when you are facing your hot crush.Its really hit my circulatory system.When your hot crush do not talk too much,actually they need your attention more than what you give to others.So just trust your self that they are not what such you have think.

When being in that mood,people will make a sort of conclusion for you.May be the good one or bad one.It depends to that person.The obvious example is when you are in the nerdy appearance and you keep your mouth shut up and make sure your voice doesn't come out even a little.Hahhahahahahha..people may think you are good enough to  be a wall,a clown or whatever.I'm so sorry if this sentences make some people feel uncomportable.I just need share what the others thinking about some non-talkative people.I'm sad actually because they also a human being like us.So we need to respect them such as the others.Being like this,they will be encouraged to speak and unite with others so nobody will get bully by others.

Last but not least,silent is good for some part.When you speak less,so your mistake is less.

Lets stop.See uolls in the second entry today.Lova lovaaaa..Love you guys..

behind of noura
There's a lot of thing to share

Thursday, 30 May 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t


Hi all the readers,

Maturity?Now or later,everyone or whoever will be faced it.Right?Am I will be matured?Yes,because I'm nearly 19 years old.Hahahaha!Late or early,it sure will come.Maturity actually not a disease.Its a normal thing.As a teenager,we may think that we are mature enough and do not need any advice from our parent or older people.Its totally wrong.So please stabilize your attention while they are advising you because its better than nothing.

When I'm googling,I found this one.Maturity is the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed.Actually when we talk about maturity,its bring a lots of meaning.As what in my mind,maturity is a level which our selves trying to do something like an adult.Actually when we already reach that point of maturity.We will learn about CONSIDERATION in life.

As the example,I'm trying to be matured.Oh no,I'm learning how to be matured.Lately,a bit of feel of regret suddenly came into my mind and touch my soul.Hahahha!It sound like abnormal thinking.Before I was too pampered.Just let the thing handled by maid.Let my sister and brother and others thing that I was too lazy and can not handle my own life.When I reach my hostel,everything was changed.I changed it.As an ordinary teenager,as usual I need some space to refresh my mind and my energy.When I'm thinking again,again and again.There's not impossible to make my self more responsible and matured.I just need to face the truth that I need to change.

Today,before I leave this "HOME SWEET HOME".I promise just know that I need to rush.I clean my room and tidy up all the things.Especially my antique wardrobe.Its should me clean up before I go.Guess what?I tidy it myself.Before,I never trying to cook because I think it took all my time.As soon after I came from Labuan,I think I should know how to cook.I need to know baking a cake.Even the simple one.Since today is my last day without do any homework,blogging more often and watching TV without stand up and blinking and whatever to do,I need to refresh my mind.Thinking about BIOLOGY,CHEMISTRY,MATHEMATICS,and of course the newest subject for me.MUET and SAINS COMPUTER.Could I stay cool and pursue my study smoothly?Sure because everything come from myself.Pray for me.

What I got from the word of MATURITY?
I need to be more strong.I need to handle my problem in a proper way without make my self trap in a frustrated way.Need to be humble.HAHAAHAH!...What I learn is,I need to be more independent if I want to be matured.Its a cycle of life.Everyone will be matured.One more thing,maturity does not refer to our age.Sometimes you will be shocked if you meet somebody that younger than you think like your father,mother or someone that you think is MATURED!As the simple example,when you involved in love in a young age.You will got sooo many experience that will make your more rational in thinking and smart when choosing your future couple of life.Its only an example.You don't need to get a boyfriend only to say that you are matured.Its only a certain way to explain.

alright.Sometimes you must play it by your ears.Hahahahahaha!


Tuesday, 28 May 2013

When I was in KML..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
cik2 dan encik2 sekalian,seperti yang aku dah janjikan ,aku nak cerita pasal orientasi aku selama seminggu di tempat orang.Di Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan.Seperti yang uools tau,Labuan adalah wilayah persekutuan kan.Samalah juga macam Putrajaya dan Kuala Lumpur.Salah satu trademark Labuan ini adalah coklat.Itu salah satulah,yg lain tu pndai2lah cik kak n abg cari ek.Bukan sebab rasa coklat dia sedap tapi harga coklatnya yang lebih murah berbanding kat tempat korang.Haah!kepada sesiapa penggemar coklat,silalah datang.hahahahaah!!

Nak dijadikan cerita,KML merupakan sebuah kolej yang melibatkan dua jenis jurusan,iaitu sains dan perakaunan.Sains ada dua program,Program Satu Tahun(PST) dan Program Dua Tahun(PDT).Aku PDT.
First time aku ngan family sampai di terminal a.k.a pelabuhan.Fuh!!Serius beb,sesak gila.Aku pun yang first time nengok nerves tahap ntah apa2.Then,yang bagusnya pihak KML sediakan bas besar untuk angkut kitaorang p sana.Its totally smoothing our way.Jimat duit.hahahah!!

Cuaca?semestinya panas.Nasib DM ada aircond. DM is stand for Dewan Mutiara.
aku and other mesti daftar sendiri,tak boleh bawa family.Macam sesi independent la ni kut.HAHAHAH!!
Part yang paling buat aku rasa macam nak mampos adalah part mencari blok kediaman.Sesat lagi!
Blok aku blok A a.k.a Karisma A.Dekat dengan dewan kuliah la konon tapi sangat jauh dari surau.Tapi ikhlaskan hati untuk berjalan kaki ke surau.Kan pahala banyak kalau berjalan kaki.Insha Allah..
Wait!Its not over yet.Pendaftaran masih belum selesai.Sesi bergambar dan mengangkut bagasi ke bilik.Penat?of coz la uools..sesi bergambar sekejap sahaja,15 saat macam tu.Ehh,aku dapat ni---)

sengaja bagi macam ni..hahah

Next,aku dapat bilik tingkat 4.Level paling tinggi tu.Mak aii..Penat nak naik tangga.Nasib kunci dibekalkan.

nama ni memang aku suka

Nak dijadikan cerita,roomate aku orang Tawau.Rafiza Syahzira namanya.Aku panggil Zira .Peramah jugalah.Muka dia seiras dengan kawan aku masa sekolah menengah dulu.Kawan yang aku selalu gelar "angry bird merah" ..
Inilah keadaan time orientasi,sampai buka kasut.

Haah,jangan nak tidur pulak.Orientasi is starting.kita orang kena ikut blok masing2.Fuh!!compress habis.
Tapi senior a.k.a fasi memang AWESOME la beb.
Sebenarnya kalau aku nak cerita sampai habis pun susah.Tapi memang orientasi selama seminggu di KML ni memang seronok sebab dia ajar kita orang untuk lebih berdikari terutamanya untuk orang yang tak pernah tinggal asrama macam aku ni.Haah!!Terserlah kejakunan kita kat situ uools.

Oklah,seminggu orientasi dah habis so kita orang dapat cuti seminggu.So what?guess?balik Sabah laa..
First time urus tiket untuk balik.Kelam kabut la sikit.Biasalah..Tapi lama2 weolls akan ok.

kau ingat aku tak pandai berdikari ke??

 Ha!!kita orang naik speedboat laa..orang takut kita orang ketawa habis.
Kita orang balik bercuti just berbag galas..comel tak beg aku?

tapi orang ni berbag-bag,bagasi pulak tu.

 sorry ek..hahahah

Tangan aku pun mau jam sudah.k,hope enjoy this entry.

Friday, 26 April 2013

What should I do?


Akhirnya cita-cita untuk memasuki matrik akhirnya tercapai apabila aku mendapat tawaran KML atau lebih tepat KOLEJ MATRIKULASI LABUAN.
Aku sangat teruja hingga menitiskan air mata.Hahahaha!Mungkin ada nada keterlaluan di situ.Aku sangat bersyukur sebab Allah berikan aku rezeki ini setelah aku diuji dengan pelbagai ujian yang sangat menyakitkan.Terima kasih ya Allah!!Alhamdulillah..


Aku diuji lagi.Kenapa aku tidak boleh belajar berdikari?Aku tidak mau seperti ini.
Aku sangat suka akan sains.Wahai adik beradik ku,fahamilah aku.Aku sangat perlukan sokongan kalian.Doronglah aku dari belakang bersama doa2 kamu.Aku bukan seperti orang lain.

Kalau kamu baca entry aku ni.Tolong bagi komen yang paling mantap a. .
Aku sangat keliru dan tidak semangat bila mereka tidak memberikan respon yang sama dengan aku.Aku sangat terasa.

Apa lah salah kalau aku mengejar cita2 aku yang hampir terkubur setelah melihat keputusan SPM ku tidak mencapai sasaran yang aku sangat inginkan iaitu 10 As. .Fahamkah kalian akan perasaan aku. .Wajar kah aku mempertahankan cita2 aku?
Tahu kah aku berasa seperti tidak layak untuk bersuara. .

Tidak tau apa untuk dikatakan.Ternyata hidup tidak semudah mana.
Aku sangat bersyukur untuk segalanya. .

****kekeliruan ini membuat aku rasa seperti hampir mati****

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

jatuh cinta ka aku?

Assalamualaikum dan konichiwa...

Perghh,nampak tak tajuk tuuu?Aku jatuh cinta?????
ya la kut.Tahniah,tahniah kepada si kaum adam yang bernama tuuttt!

Sebenarnya aku susah mau jatuh cinta tapi minat senanglah.Sesungguhnya cinta itu indah."Ni macam cara orang kemaruk je".Huahuahua.Its nothing at all but for sure I'm fall in love.My heart beat beat and beat. .Itukah cinta yang manusia katakan indah?La la la. .Perasaan itu sememangnya indah kerana ia kurniaan Allah SWT.Yeah,ia membuat diri ini lebih semangat.Tengok muka dia 24-hours pun boleh.Huahua..Gurau ja la,takkan nak tengok muka dia 24 jam kan. .Bila aku nak lelap?Sebenarnya aku suka dia sebab dia kelakar,n bnyak lagi..Ingat tak yang hari tu aku ada buat entry "MY NEW DUDE"?Ah'ah,Dia laa..

Mungkin lepas ni dah takda orang nak usha aku..Huahuahua..Please laaa. .jangan nak gediik plus perasan tahap gaban..Its unusual thing. .Cintaa lamaa jangan di kenang. .malas sudah mau kutip balik cerita yang sudah jadi kepingan-kepingan puzzle tuu. .Tahniaah kerana anda telah memilihnya sebagai teman wanita soo terelaklah cerita antara kita lagi. .Kussh semangat,terhindar juga akhirnya aku dari Cinta banyak segi ni. .Takda la orang yang duduk meroyan sebab "CLASH" dengan boyfriend orang.La la la la  . .Pengalaman banyak mendewasakan diri yang masih kebudak-budakan ni..Perggh,tampar diri sendiri baru tau..

Crush akuu?Just forget it. .Its not awesome to be a story. .Huahuahua. .Sebut pasal dia,dia sebenarnya budak yang baik tapi aku tak nak lah bercintan-cintun dengan diaa. .Kawan saja laa.
Budak bermata sepet yang genius.Ha!itu diaa,kelass gitu. .

Jatuh cinta tak semestinya aku berubah..Aku jadi semakin baiklah konon. .Tapi still pembuli lah.
24 hours serius beb. ."habis muka berkedut-2"..hehehe. . .gurau saja,aku senyum sorang-sorang setiap pagii..Bahagia tak?ka ka ka ka. .sudaahlah,nanti sambung lagii sebab saya sangatlah sibuuk..papai,assalamualaikum!!


Friday, 1 March 2013

NM:Love People Around Us

Assalamualaikum and hiii everybody

There's a lot of thing that I want to share to this awesome BlOG.!!!!

Before, when I was a student,Form 4 maybe.I was too "JAHIL" about what was the "BLOG " actually.One day,my classmates and I had an English oral so we had to wait our English teacher at the school canteen.Guess what?I'm pretty nervous to speak out what the things that I had reading before the oral began.That was I am,always got the coldness before anything to be true..*FAKE COUGHING*

Then,my sweet buddy(NADIEL) prepared for her own text for that oral.You know what?Its about BLOG.The BLOGGER that she admired so much.If I'm not wrong.

Oh no,I almost forget about the thing that should be my topic today.Alright,lets start blogging!!!

Do you ever care about people around you?People?Hey,its mean your parents,siblings,uncles,aunties,friends,buddies,grandmas,grandpas,neighbours... .opps!!your boyfriend also people right?Do you love them?Of couse right?I love all the people around me because they care about me so much.Such the example,my neighbour asked my mother about my exam result.Some people may think that they was a busybody type person but they was not.Can you imagine if nobody care about you,ask about you,What will you feel?LONELY that's the correct answer!!

Especially our parents.
I love my parents so much because I am nothing without them.Our parents had tried their best to make our life be GREAT?Don't you realize it?They will buy anything that I want without say anything and do not sigh like what we like to do.Children may angry or do not want to speak with their parents when they do not get what they want.But,our parent only keep silent right or they will try to get what do you want even they feel too tired to walk.That they was.We should respect and love them.

talk about other people that I had mentioned just now.Do you realize that they was your supporter too?Remember please,when the SPORT DAY was held in your school.Who shout the spiritual words to you?your friends or your buddies right?That was the awesome moment right?I miss it soo much.Then,when you was sick,I meant you was dizzy,who was struggle to help you walking to the teachers room?who ready to buy your food ,and accompany you to the toilet?that's all our friends did. .They was superb.

They did the best thing that made I miss with them

I ever asked to this guy before,
would you be a part of my life?be my best friend?and be my enemy at the same time. .huahua. .
I love all of you friends. .Whoever,wherever you are,just remember that I love and appreciate you. . 
